The sail to Lamotrek from Puluwat was just over 170 miles and the winds were predicted to clock north again so we stayed well north of the rum line to be ready for the shift this time to eliminate having wind on the nose. Well the shift never came and all our planning did was add a few extra miles to the trip.
We had been sailing on a broad reach with the big reacher sail out all night long and at one point were only going 4 knots with only 10 knots of wind. At that speed we would not arrive until 8 pm, well after dark. A few hours later the winds picked up and we were going 7 knots again and were due to arrive by 2 pm so sometime you just have to be patient and wait for the wind to show up.
I put the lines out at dawn and in a few hours the fish started biting! We hooked a few Mahi to start with and were able to get them aboard while keeping the sail up. Then an big black marlin came by and took the bait! This fish was not happy and at one point was charging the boat jumping wildly and heading strait for us! About 50 feet away he turned away and took off leaping through the air. While he was doing this I was frantically winding in the 1000 feet of slack line he had stripped off the reel while we were rolling up the sail. I knew better than to get him to the boat to quickly and let the pole do the work and reeled in the slack when he quit fighting. It took about 40 minutes for the fish to tire out and then we were able to get him along side the back steps and take a few pictures and get the hook out of his bill and let him go to live another day. If we can let these magnificent fish go unharmed we do, others that either swallow the hook or drown we put in the freezer and give away to the islands.
A few hours later we had 3 more Mahi strikes and got them all aboard. This made 11 mahi, 1 marlin landed and 2 marlin, 1 wahoo and 4 mahi that got away in the last 700 miles!! Some of the best fishing we ever seen on Downtime!
We entered the pass mid afternoon on 1st of March and decided to anchor next to Pugue Island for the night and make our way the last 8 miles south to the main island next day.
In the morning we moved south and anchored in front of the village on Lamotrek. There was already one other boat here which we had met in Puluwat, Kite and another due to arrive in the morning, Flow which is being sailed Around the World by 2 Norway girls!
We were greeted by Francis the brother in law of the chief that passed away who paddled out and collected our landing fee of $20 per person. We were warmly welcomed to the island and were then free to go ashore.
The other thing that is famous for is that this lavalava is the only thing the women are allowed to wear! No tops!! For a western man this was hard to get used to at first and the sunglasses stayed on! The only time women are allowed to wear a shirt is when they are working the taro fields. All visitors who stay longer than 2 weeks have to dress like local people (topless and lalalava/loincloth). It's one of many tricky rules of Lamotrek.
A canoe this size will take thousands of hours to complete with the help of the 30 -40 men working every day for months, all the while being directed by the Master Carver who is always present. The sails will be hand sewn, another huge project with cloth donated by a cruiser from Australia. They hope to have the project finished by May and I felt lucky to have the process explained to me and to have seen such a project under way.
This is by far the busiest and most productive island we have been to. We saw other men busy building fish traps, a project that takes 50 to 100 hours each to complete. The traps are made from hundreds of individual sticks tied together with hundreds of feet of string and thousands of knots. The traps are 3-5 feet square and a foot and a half high with a tapered entrance on one side where the fish go in and are caught. Each trap is a work of art and intricately made. The men who were neither building the canoe or fish traps were busy planning the construction of a fishing lodge on a uninhabited island 30 miles away on Olimarao. A shelter to stay in when they go out to the island to fish and hunt turtles. A single building 16x20 with a concrete floor and walls with a water storage cistern and covered with a corrugated metal roof. All the building materials were ordered and delivered by the ship that arrived this week. They were all sitting in a circle going through the materials list when they asked if I had grinder or hacksaw blades to cut rebar with. They were in luck I had both which I donated to the project. The next issue was getting the portable generator running that had been in storage for 4 years! A few hours later the carburetor was cleaned and the motor service with the engine running smoothly.
This same juice can have yeast mixed in be left to ferment and made into a strong alcohol which most of they export to the main island of Yap. I was thinking if they could build a small still then may be they could run their our board motors on pure ethanol!
One afternoon while I was onshore with the men fixing the generator and properly taste tuba, Daria had a small get together aboard Downtime with Michaeila and several other girls. She's shown them some pics, music and of course served tea and sweets which she baked day before. Soon there were 15 kids swimming around the boat and everyone had a great time.
Later that afternoon Daria invited Camilla and Joanna on board from Flow to share stories and I brought the island chief Mannuel aboard for a few beers which are banned from drinking on the island but are ok to drink on the boat.
The culture here is a much different than in the States in how the land is passed down in the woman's family. Women own the land and the home and when they man marries he moves to the woman's village and island. There is not much interaction between them during the day when the women are busy in the gardens and weaving, while the men are working and fishing. We read that most of the children have adopted families like god parents and most spend equal time with both families. The kids seem to be very independent and spend a lot of time on their own while growing up. Most the outer island kids go to school and live on the main islands during the high school years and stay with their adopted families. Ester (local woman) has a dissertation about Lamotrek wrote by German girl few years ago. One night we took it on Downtime and read it. It is worth to read to understand this culture better.
Lamotrek was also the first island we have been to where most of the people are chewing betel nut. This a nasty habit that destroys and turns the persons chewing it teeth red! Long time users have just a few blackened teeth left and are addicted. This is also the first place where Tuba, the palm wine was drank daily to abuse. Every day gallons of the stuff would be consumed by the men from 3pm to all hours of the night. The women drink sweet tuba (non-alcohol) and sadly are occasionally victims of drunken violence.
The afternoon before we left the ladies of the village prepared a farewell feast for Camilla, Joana from Flow and Daria and myself along with Eric, a visiting anthropologist from the States who had arrived on the supply ship a few days before. This was an amazing time where the ladies sang us songs and wished us well on our journey. They presented us with lei's and colorful head dressings and then rubbed bright yellow turmeric powder on our shoulders. After the ceremony we were given meals with enough food in them to get us all the way to Yap 400 miles away! For each of us there was at least 3 pounds of boiled taro, breadfruit, cooked banana's, fried breadfruit and taro and sliced meat (canned). We experienced all the many delicious ways they cook the taro with coconut cream. Daria was given another beautiful lavalava that had detailed embroidery work on it and in return gave the women gifts of earrings and necklaces.
On our last morning there the school had cultural days and all the kids dressed up traditional with the small girls wearing grass skirts and the boys wearing the men's blue and white striped lavalava which is narrower that the women's version and worn higher around the waist over their loin cloth. The girls gave a weaving demonstrations on how they made the headbands and baskets while the boys showed navigation skills on a white board. Later they would meet with the master carver, master sailor and master fisherman to have those skills explained to them. They had items for sale on tables like locally woven palm fiber rope, small carvings, sea shells, lavalava's and a few baskets of food with chicken or dog with rice for $15. We bought a chicken lunch, not brave enough for dog yet...
Pete and Daria
PS: we are in Ulithi atoll, our last stop before Yap. We caught 4 Mahi and Wahoo on our way from Woleai to Ulithi and ready for diving and kiting. Story about Woleai is coming...
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